Freitag, 26. März 2021

Dekoration mit einer Mooskugel

Mit Zeitungspapier habe ich eine Kugel geformt. Das Moos aus meinem Garten schön darum gelegt und mit feinem Draht fixiert und auf einen Topf gesetzt. Im Moment ruht sich Herr Zwerg aus. Schon bald muss er dem Hasen Platz machen. 

5 Kommentare:

Ursula Gosteli hat gesagt…

Nach dem Hasen hätte sicher auch Herr oder Frau Maikäfer Lust auf diese schöne Mooskugel zu sitzen.
Es freut mich immer deine kreativen Resultate zu sehen.
Ich wünsche noch eine schöne Auffahrt,
liebe Grüsse


Unknown hat gesagt…

It is a common known fact now that radon is a very harmful gas which can get trapped inside our house and then our lungs if inhaled for a longer period of time and it has known to cause lung cancer in non-smokers. In fact, it is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking. Due to this reason and as stated by EPA, radon exposure leading to lung cancer takes around 21000 lives annually which is a very alarming figure and this is the reason that without Radon testing inspection Gaithersburg MD is incomplete. When a person is looking for a successful home inspection which will make it easy for him to understand what is wrong with his house and what measures should be taken in order to get rid of the problems found, he looks around for a best home inspector to do it for him, he searches words like Home Inspectors Gaithersburg MD in order to find a best options ar at least some good options to choose from, but we have made it easy for you. At Top to Bottom Services, we ensure that you get the best home inspector who will help you throughout the process and will familiarize you with what is happening, and deliver maximum satisfaction. You should put 5% of your trust in us and we will gain the 95% back.

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